My Role
Just for fun
July 2023 - Now

Founders's talks

In the past few years, I've had the chance to learn a lot of things, and meet incredible people in my entrepreneurial journey. And whatever the occasion was (big fair, pitching event...), what I've always enjoyed the most was to meet other founders.

Why? Mostly because entrepreneurship is a lonely journey. Meeting other people going through the same thing can be incredibly cool, insightful, and unlock many things.

And looking into the podcast offer, I was a bit frustrated. Most podcast hosts I found were English-speakers, and were creating content as a main job. So first, there is a lot of room to make it happen in 🇫🇷, but more generally, sharing a startup entrepreneurial journey that is not focused on content creation, but on a real novel solution, felt super interesting.

Some of the podcasts that I found were also hosted as a side hustle by SaaS founders, with products that had great traction but very few R&D behind. That's why I launched dot ai.

It's a podcast series in which I share, in French, my learnings from the last few years, building Building hardware, raising funds, messing up big time and great wins, mental health, money and salary, research... I'll cover all areas in which I feel somehow confident holding a 20-30mn episode.

Hope you'll enjoy it if you give it a try. Here's the main page: The podcast is on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Podcast and all the rest.

This is a new exercise for me. Structuring my thoughts, learning to speak in an entertaining way, learning about podcasts editing and distribution, getting out of my comfort zone, but I've already learned a lot in this exercise! I'm committing to 1 episode per week for now, mostly by myself and will be inviting a couple of guests later.

If you listen to it, feel free to send me feedback :) hello [at] mael [dot] ai